The First 72 Hours

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What would you do if you were in an Emergency situation and couldn't receive professional help for 72 hours?

The First 72 Hours prompts you to create an Emergency Plan for your business or household.

Building a safer and more resilient community is a shared responsibility across all Victorians, not just those in the Emergency Management Sector.

Expect the Unexpected

Emergencies can be hard to predict and emergency services may be unable to reach you in a disaster.

What would you do for the first 72 hours if you had no access to power, water, gas, road access, reception or limited food?

Download the First 72 Hours brochure here(PDF, 711KB)

Download the Emergency Plan template here(PDF, 39KB)

1. Make an Emergency Plan

Download the Emergency Plan template above and consider the following questions when designing your Plan.

  • What emergency event is your plan for e.g. flood, fire and/or storm?
  • Who needs to be considered in your plan e.g. household members, neighbours, immediate family who don't live in the same house as you?
  • Who is your emergency contact and/or who can you reach out to in an emergency situation?
  • What actions will you need to take in an emergency?
  • Where will you go if you have to leave home?
  • Where will you get your information from?
  • How will you evacuate or travel somewhere safer e.g. building exits, meeting places, vehicles and routes?

2. Backup Information

Important things to have securely copied/saved and accessible:

  • Emergency Plan
  • identification
  • important documents e.g. medical information, finances, insurance records
  • home inventory e.g. photos of possessions, house assets, receipts and/or warranties
  • contact lists e.g. family members, local emergency services, utility providers

3. Prepare a Kit

Gather and store items ready to support you and your loved ones for 72 hours.

Consider if your emergency kit will include:

  • water
  • food
  • medication
  • first aid supplies e.g. bandages, ice/heat packs, antiseptic
  • radio
  • batteries
  • torch
  • toiletries
  • documents
  • clothes
  • money
  • children's needs
  • pet's needs

4. Stay Informed

It is important to tune into official and accurate information channels to stay informed with the facts before, during and after an emergency.

For emergency event updates visit VicEmergency
Hotline: 1800 226 226
Follow on social media: Facebook @VicEmergency Instagram @VicEmergency

Emergency Radio Broadcast

Visit our Emergency Contacts and Broadcasters page for your local emergency broadcasters.


Partners and Collaboration

Murrindindi Shire Council would like to thank Moira Shire and Alpine Shire Council's who delivered The First 72 Hours.

In conjunction with:

Country Fire Authority, Victoria State Emergency Service, Albury Wodonga Ethnic Communities Council.

In consultation with:

Hume Region Municipal Emergency Management Enhancement Group.