Application for subdivided vacant land differential rate rebate form
Murrindindi Shire Council adopted a new Rating Strategy on 12 June 2024 – which included the introduction of a differential rate to be added to Council’s rating category structure, that is to be applied to land that is identified as vacant and developable.
Vacant land is defined as:
- Any land which is located in Council’s defined residential, commercial, rural living or industrial zones for planning purposes that is currently undeveloped.
- Undeveloped land is broadly classified as land not containing an approved, habitable structure, or land that has not been developed for the purpose of commercial or industrial use.
New differential rate:
Land that satisfies the above criteria will pay 200% of the general (residential) rate.
The new differential has been included in Council 2024-25 Budget adopted 12 June 2024, and will be first applied the rating year 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.
Subdivided Vacant Land Differential Rate Rebate:
A rebate of the vacant land differential applies to vacant land that is the subject of a subdivision and that would otherwise attract the vacant land differential rate.
This rebate recognises the investment committed to a subdivision by a developing land holder and the holding cost of the subdivided lots prior to transfer or sale. The rebate is designed to remove a potential disincentive to subdivisional development of vacant developable land that a vacant land differential on multiple lots within a subdivision may cause.
The rebate is to apply from the time at which a Statement of Compliance is issued by the Council for the subdivision (if after 1 July 2024), to the time at which the ownership (title) of the vacant subdivided land is transferred to a new owner. If a Statement of Compliance has been issued prior to 1 July 2024, the rebate will only be applied from the 1 July in the year the application is received.
To apply for a Subdivided Vacant Land Differential Rate Rebate, ratepayers must complete and return this Application for Rate Rebate which must include a copy of the Statement of Compliance for the subdivision and a plan of the subdivision to which the Statement of Compliance applies.
All sections of this form must be completed to allow your application to be processed. You should note that Council may ask you for additional information in accordance with the Local Government Act 1989 (as amended).
Click here to view form.