Advertising signage

Advertising signage.png

Permits for advertising signage are usually required under the Murrindindi Planning Scheme.

Council regulates advertising signage and associated structures across to the Shire to:

  • avoid negative visual impact
  • ensure there and no potential safety issues 
  • ensure consistency and fairness for people who wish to erect signage

If you are thinking about putting up any signage, contact Council by emailing or calling (03) 5772 0333 to first check whether you need a planning permit to do this.

Signage that requires a permit

Under the Murrindindi Planning Scheme there are four different categories of advertising signs:

  • Category 1: Commercial areas
  • Category 2: Office and industrial areas
  • Category 3: High amenity areas
  • Category 4: Sensitive areas

The zoning of your property determines which category will apply. Each category is divided into:

  • Section 1: Permit not required
  • Section 2: Permit required
  • Section 3: Prohibited

Other factors which may impact your ability to install signage

If there is another control affecting the land, e.g. a Heritage Overlay, then the more stringent control will apply.


Some signs, such as traffic signs, and ‘For sale’ signs located on the land for sale, do not require a planning permit. Size restrictions may apply.

Decision guidelines for permit approval

The following guidelines will be used to decide whether a permit is to be approved, so please try to address these in your application.

  • character of the area
  • impacts of the signage on views and vistas
  • relationship to the streetscape setting or landscape
  • relationship to the site and building on which signs will be erected
  • impact of structures associated with the sign
  • construction, design and quality of signs
  • impact of any illumination onto adjoining land or roadways
  • need for identification
  • impact on road safety

Referrals to Department of Transport

An application to display an animated or electronic sign within 60 metres of a freeway or arterial road declared under the Road Management Act 2004, must be referred to the Road Corporation (Department of Transport). Council must comply with the Department of Transport's decision when considering the planning application.