Flood Studies

What is a flood study?

A flood study is an examination into how floods might impact a specific area and what effects they could have. They are part of a process to manage flood risks.

Data produced from flood studies is crucial for managing flood risks by helping us understand how floods of different sizes might affect an area, aiding in:

  • preparation, prevention and response plans 
  • warning systems
  • land-use planning
  • emergency management
  • evaluate flood risks to cultural sites

For example, data from flood studies is considered when:

  • setting flood rules in local planning
  • creating flood information for emergency plans
  • designing flood prevention projects
  • helping with community flood education
  • evaluating flood risks to cultural sites
  • evaluating flood risk for insurance

Why do we need flood studies?

According to the Australian Climate Service, 'flooding is the second most significant natural disaster to cause human fatalities after heatwaves' in Australia. 

The process of managing floods involves three main elements; pre-flood prevention, response and recovery. 

This process involves several groups such as relevant authorities, local councils (LGA's), emergency services and the community.

Read further for more information on the roles of each group in flood management.


All levels of government have their own responsibilities in flood preparation and prevention.

For example:

  • The Australian Government is responsible for national flood management programs and flood forecasting.
  • The Victorian Government is responsible for state flood policy and funding for state flood management programs.
  • Local councils regulate development through their planning schemes, co-fund flood studies and manage flood mitigation infrastructure.

Local government authorities (LGA's) handle land use planning and development applications in flood-prone areas and must identify areas at risk of 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) floods in their planning schemes.

Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority

Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (GBCMA) lead the development and implementation of regional floodplain management strategies. They work in consultation with local stakeholders and communities and provide flood advice to municipal councils and landholders. 


Landowners are accountable for flood management on their own property. Local knowledge and experience can play a key role in flood preparation and reduce damage from flooding.

For more information about preparing flood or storm in our area, to stay safe, the hazards of returning home and who to ask for help to recover from a storm or flood emergency visit Floods and Storms.

What does a flood study involve?

Flood damages and trauma can be reduced by using credible data about flood behaviour, such as flood heights, flood extents and flood probabilities. To collect that data, continual improvement of contemporary knowledge of flood behaviour is required.

Specialists are required to complete flood studies, collaborating with local agencies to compile and examine relevant data in the area. This includes:

Data collection and research

Flood studies must consider all sources of flooding in the study area, as well as the interactions between them.

To identify this information, hydrologic data (or information related to water resources) is collected such as: 

  • precipitation (rainfall or snowfall)
  • streamflow
  • evaporation
  • transpiration
  • groundwater
  • soil moisture

Flood modelling

Available data from past floods is used to create accurate computer models to scientifically investigate flooding in specific areas, often river catchments, to predict where water will go and how deep it might get during modelled flood events.

These models help predict:

  • flood flows, levels and speeds
  • the chances and impacts (hazards, potential damages) of floods of various sizes
  • the likelihood of similar-sized floods happening again
  • overall flood risk

Flood maps

The results of flood modelling are then shown on flood maps, illustrating different flooding scenarios, considering factors like terrain, water catchments, historical data and flood marks, to assess the likelihood of floods in the studied area. 

This information guides planning rules and building regulations.

Community consultation

When completing a study, agencies may consult with local communities to take advantage of local knowledge.

This includes capturing resident's experience and knowledge of floods and ensuring Indigenous people's cultural values are considered. 

What happens after a flood study?

Flood study outputs must be capable of being used by a variety of stakeholders. They are useful only if individuals, communities, government agencies and other organisations have access to, can understand, and act on high-quality information about the risks of flooding. The outputs should be integrated into the relevant flood database, where they can be made readily accessible.

Land risk classification

When assessing new developments or land use changes, LGAs need to:

  • determine if the proposed use or development is appropriate given the flood risk and identify the necessary level of flood protection
  • evaluate whether the development will increase flood risk for surrounding areas
  • seek advice from catchment management authorities and Melbourne Water, who require detailed flood data (extent, depth, and speed) to provide accurate guidance

Flood zones and overlays can affect a property's:

  • value
  • insurance rates e.g. flood impact premiums
  • permit requirements when constructing a building

Development regulations

Governments use flood studies to identify flood-prone areas and regulate development to mitigate risks.

Strategic land use planning can:

  • prevent or reduce hazard impacts
  • improve community resilience
  • save costs compared to other measures

The Planning and Environment Act 1987 supports regulating development in hazardous areas.

Updated emergency advice

By understanding flood-prone zones, authorities can guide residents on how to prepare their emergency plans, including evacuation routes.

For example, the Victoria State Emergency Service (SES) hosts Local Flood Guides for communities to better understand, prepare and respond effecitvley to their flood risk. 

This proactive approach helps communities become more resilient and better equipped to handle potential flood events, ultimately reducing the impact on lives and property.

More information

For more information, you can visit the following agencies websites or contact the GBCMA by calling (03) 5822 7700 or emailing planning@gbcma.vic.gov.au

Geoscience Australia

Access an extensive catalogue of multisource, standardised flood data up to 2018:

Goulburn Broken Catchment Authority

For an example of a flood study, read the Goulburn and Broken Rivers Flood Study.

The Victorian Government

Where available, flood risk mapping can assist with planning for floods and can be found on the Digital Twin Victoria platform.


Water Victoria

Water Victoria has several documents outlining how flood studies work. 

For more information, you can read: 

To speak with someone at Council regarding flood studies, you can contact our Planning Unit on (03) 5772 0333 or by emailing planning@murrindindi.vic.gov.au