Locating Your Existing Septic Tank System

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The easiest way of locating your septic tank system is to check the plans you received with your septic permits.   

In some cases, you can easily locate your septic tank by the 'riser' attached to the opening of the tank. This is normally a white plastic PVC pipe, with a cap, sticking out of the ground where the opening of your septic tank is located underground.  The grass around the effluent disposal area will sometimes remain green during the warmer, dryer months.

If you are unable to find your copy of plans, request a copy from us by contacting Council’s Environmental Health Team by calling (03) 5772 0333 or sending the request by email to customer@murrindindi.vic.gov.au. Remember to include the address of the property, and the Lot and Plan of Subdivision Number to assist Council in searching for your plans.

Copy of plans can only be given to the registered owner or a person having written permission from the registered owner.