All new homes, renovations, alterations and additions in Victoria need to comply with the energy efficiency requirements set out in the National Construction Code (NCC) Volume Two. These regulations aim to reduce the environmental impact of buildings by reducing their overall energy consumption.
From May 2024, new homes and some extensions must meet a 7-star rating under the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS). This means your home must demonstrate high levels of energy efficiency across all areas, including insulation, glazing, and passive design features. A qualified consultant will make an assessment and produce a report detailing the thermal performance of the home.
Existing homes may be required to meet the 7-star standard if the proposed extension / renovation is greater than 50% of the existing dwelling.
Further information is available at the Victorian Building Authority website or by calling Council on (03) 5772 0333.
Extensive state-wide mapping has been undertaken to designate bushfire prone areas (BPA). All new homes considered to be in a BPA must comply with Australian Standard 3959 which includes requirements such as:
- Distance to fire source (vegetation)
- Vegetation type
- Wall and roof materials adopted
- Protection of window and door openings
- Protection of sub-floor or lower perimeter
Your designer will need to ensure that all relevant information regarding bushfire exposure, construction levels and external materials are indicated on building plans to show compliance with the Standards. This should be done prior to applying for a building permit.
Your site will need to be inspected, and a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) determined. This inspection can be carried out by a building surveyor, owner, architect, building designer or builder.
Once a BAL assessment has been completed, you can then design your building based on the BAL requirements and apply for a building permit.
To comply with the Australian Standard all new homes constructed in a BPA must be built to a minimum BAL of 12.5 to help withstand ember attack. To find out whether your property is located in a designated BPA visit VicPlan where you can access the interactive map service.
Construction of new buildings and additions are required to be protected against termites in accordance with Australian Standard 3660. Termites cause more damage to Australian homes every year than any other natural disaster.
Information about termite management is available from the Victorian Building Authority website or by contacting Council on (03) 5772 0333.