VicRoads Agency

VicRoads Logo.png

Council's Alexandra office operates as a sub agency for VicRoads and offers a limited range of services for customers. 

Before visiting the office for a VicRoads transaction, please review the services we offer and the required documents, or call Council at 03 5772 0333 to confirm we can assist you.

Please note: If you attend an office without the correct documentation, on behalf of a person or company or for a service we do not provide, we are not legally able to service your request.

Available services

The following services are available at our Alexandra Customer Service Centre only:

To complete any of the above transactions, the card or log book holder must be present and provide a valid and relevant licence for identification purposes. We are not legally permitted to perform any of these tasks without the prescribed person present, with a representative of the person or on behalf of a customer. 

Payment can be made by cash, EFTPOS, VISA or MasterCard, or cheque made payable to Murrindindi Shire Council.

Services not provided

No Murrindindi Shire Council office is authorised to: 

  • receive or dispose of licence plates
  • perform Learners or boat licence testing
  • renew vehicle registrations

To complete other services in person, the nearest VicRoads location is Seymour Customer Service Centre at 5 Crawford Street, Seymour.

Can't get to an office? Log in to your MyVicRoads account to complete available services online or call 13 11 71 for more information.