Accommodation premises regulations

Prescribed Accommodation Premises

Before you start a new prescribed accommodation business or buy an existing business, you should be aware of the various requirements that apply under Health, Planning and Building legislation, and for some types of accommodation, legislative requirements that are enforced by Consumer Affairs Victoria.

A proprietor of prescribed accommodation premises must register the accommodation with Murrindindi Shire Council under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008. Registration is valid from January to December, with renewals due by 31 December each year.

The Public Health and Wellbeing (Prescribed Accommodation) Regulations 2020 outlines the specific requirements that prescribed accommodation premises must meet including the prevention of overcrowding, ensure reasonable standards of hygiene, sanitation and maintenance, and reduce the risk of spreading communicable diseases. Council regularly facilitates the inspection of prescribed accommodation to ensure adherence to the regulations. 

Whether you are purchasing an existing, or establishing a new prescribed accommodation premises, there are several steps to take.

Caravan Parks

Murrindindi Shire Council is responsible for regulating Caravan Parks under the Residential Tenancies (Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings Registrations and Standards) Regulations 2024.

All caravan parks must be registered with Council. Registration is valid for three years.

The Residential Tenancies (Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings Registration and Standards) Regulations 2024 sets standards for:

  • The construction of park cabins
  • Fire prevention and safety, requiring caravan park owners to have up-to-date fire safety measures
  • Emergency management planning requirements in case of emergencies such as bushfires, floods and severe storms
  • Construction of movable dwellings including minimum energy efficiency requirements and referencing the Building Code of Australia for the relevant technical specifications for unregistrable movable dwelling
  • Registering and inspecting caravan parks every three years