Glass recycling - purple lid
In July 2025, Council will introduce a separate glass recycling kerbside collection service, collected monthly.
We have answered the most common Frequently Asked Questions about this service below.
How often will our glass recycling bin (purple lid) be collected?
The glass recycling bin (purple lid) will be collected every 4 weeks (monthly).
What can I put into the glass recycling bin (purple lid)?
You can put the following items in your glass recycling bin:
- glass bottles such as wine, beer, spirits, olive oil, etc.
- glass jars and containers such as jam, pasta sauce, condiments
- labels can stay on.
- lids can remain attached.
- empty and rinse the glass (empty not spotless)
What can’t I put into the glass recycling bin (purple lid)?
You cannot put the following items in your glass recycling bin:
- medicine bottles
- perfume bottles
- glass other than bottles or jars – no light globes, mirrors, drinking glasses and window glass
- ceramics
- Corningware
- Pyrex glass
- broken crockery, bakeware or containers
- general rubbish
- loose plastic lids and bottle caps
- plastic bags
Can I opt out of the glass recycling bin (purple lid) service?
It is compulsory to have a glass recycling bin if you have a mixed recycling bin. Glass will be considered contamination if it is in the mixed recycling bin (and contamination penalties will apply to loads with excess contamination).
The State Government's Recycling Victoria Policy requires all Victorian households to have a compliant 4-stream kerbside service by 2027 which will be made up of – general rubbish, mixed recycling, food and garden organics and glass recycling.
Currently glass can be placed in the mixed recycling bin (yellow lid), but from July 2025 this will no longer be an option and glass for recycling must be placed in the glass recycling bin (purple lid).
Can I get a larger or smaller glass recycling bin (purple lid)?
No, you cannot get a larger or smaller bin, however you can get an extra purple lidded bin if you need one at no extra charge. The bins remain the property of Council and if misused can be removed from the property.
Don’t we already recycle glass?
Yes, glass currently placed in your mixed recycling bin (yellow lid) and is recycled as best it can be. However, when the glass breaks and is compacted in the truck for transport it can stick into other materials making it hard to recycle those bits of glass and hard to recycle those materials it is stuck into (mostly cardboard which has a high value). The glass also breaks up as it travels through the recycling process to be separated out from other materials, causing further problems.
For these reasons glass will no longer in accepted in the mixed recycling bin (yellow lid) after the glass recycling service commences (July 2025) but will be collected separately allowing it and other materials to be more fully recycled and so achieve better circular economy outcomes.
Where will the glass collected in our glass recycling bin (purple lid) go?
The glass will be taken to the Cleanaway Material Recovery Facility in Coolaroo. The glass is then sorted into different colours (clear, brown and green) and sizes. Once sorted, the glass is processed primarily into new bottles and jars, a process referred to as “Glass to Glass” which is the highest order recycling option available for glass.
Remaining material too broken to be returned to glass is diverted to be incorporated in road construction.
Do I need to remove the labels or lids before placing them into the Glass Recycling bin (purple lid)?
No, lids and labels can stay on bottles and jars when you place them in the glass recycling bin (purple lid) as prescribed by the State Government in the current service standards.
I use a collection point. How will that affect my service?
A collection point is a place where people bring their bins to when the truck cannot (or it is not economical to) travel past the driveway of a property. Use of collection points must be approved by Council, and Council's collection contractor.
If a property is required to use a collection point, then the collection services will always be optional, though certain combinations of bins are mandatory (waste must be accompanied by recycling and recycling must be accompanied by glass).
Council is awaiting the finalisation of Recycling Victoria’s draft Household Waste and Recycling Service Standard. This Service Standard will define the way in which Councils across Victoria are to provide their kerbside services and will contain guidance surrounding service provision to our community receiving a kerbside service who home compost, use caddy liners, are commercial customers, or are utilising approved collection points.