New Early Years Manager sought for Flowerdale Kindergarten

Published on 26 July 2024

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Murrindindi Shire Council is working with the Department of Education to find a new Early Years Manager for the Flowerdale Kindergarten, following the decision by Mitchell Shire Council not to renew the sub-lease of Flowerdale Kindergarten.

For many years, Mitchell Shire Council has provided critical kindergarten services to the Flowerdale community and surrounds, working alongside Council’s Maternal and Child Health services and operating from Council’s facility at 3377 Whittlesea-Yea Road Flowerdale.

Mitchell Shire Council’s said decision to withdraw from providing kindergarten services in Flowerdale comes amid “rising demands for Mitchell services in Victoria’s fastest-growing municipality” and significant “administrative workload” increases due to the Victorian State Government’s Best Start, Best Life reform.

Under these reforms, in 2025, Murrindindi Shire will participate in the first roll out of an expanded kindergarten program from 15 hours per week to 30 hours per week.

Kindergarten services in Flowerdale have been provided by Mitchell Shire Council since 2004. Murrindindi Shire Council does not directly manage or operate kindergartens in the Shire. However, Council has an important role in supporting the adequate provision of these services through building management, workforce support, advocacy and representing local needs.

The Department of Education will soon be inviting Expressions of Interest from Early Years providers to take over the sub-lease in 2025.

Council will continue to work closely with the Department and Mitchell Shire Council to secure a new provider and ensure a smooth service transition.

For more information, please get in touch with Council on (03) 5772 0333.

Council’s Community Wellbeing and Economic Development Portfolio Councillor Sandice McAulay said “Council recognises and celebrates the wonderful contribution that Mitchell Shire Council has made to the Flowerdale community and thank them for their continued service while a new provider is found.”

“Council will continue to advocate for increased capacity and supply of kindergarten and childcare places across our Shire, as we know the difference these services make to families and children.”

“While our advocacy efforts helped secure new facilities in Alexandra and Yea, we know there are a range of challenges facing the sector. Early years education is nothing without a strong workforce. Our Early Years Education Workforce Plan will help us address current and future challenges relating to staff recruitment and retention, skills and training. Our recently adopted Kindergarten and Child Care Strategy will also guide our work and our role in supporting service providers and our community and help us manage the increased demand for kindergarten services in the coming years.”

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