Your last resort during a bushfire

Published on 06 February 2025

Neighbourhood Safer Place - Bushfire Place of Last Resort should be your last resort .png

Did you know that during a fire, embers can travel up to 40 km ahead of the fire front, and fire speeds can reach over 25 km per hour? With hotter than average forecast for the remaining summer months, Murrindindi Shire Council encourages all residents and visitors to review their fire plans and be aware of where to go in the event of a fast-developing emergency.

A Neighbourhood Safer Place - Bushfire Place of Last Resort (NSP-BPLR) is usually marked by a green sign with white writing. These sites are intended as a last resort when all other plans have failed during a fire. The Country Fire Authority (CFA) advises that ‘leaving early is the safest option to protect yourself and your family.’

While fire authorities recommend knowing the location of your nearest NSP-BPLR, it’s important to understand that not all townships have one that is easily accessible. These places can be outdoor areas or pre-existing structures and are not purpose-built, fireproof, stocked with emergency supplies, or suitable for other types of emergencies. They do not guarantee safety but may provide protection from direct flame and heat from a fire.

Council urges everyone to be prepared with an emergency plan year-round. Know when to evacuate, what items to take with you and who to contact. Only consider going to a NSP-BPLR within 1-2 km of your house if all other plans fail. If it’s further away, it may be safer to stay where you are to avoid getting trapped in your vehicle or encountering low visibility and hazards on the road.

Find your nearest NSP-BPLR, learn how to start an emergency plan, and discover more about preparing for fire and heat at Fire and Heat.

Remember, in the event of a life-threatening emergency that requires police, fire, or ambulance assistance, always call Triple Zero (000) first.

Murrindindi Shire Council’s Integrity, Finance and Resilience Portfolio Councillor Paul Hildebrand stated “Amidst weeks of extreme heat and dryness, it’s vital to remember that Neighbourhood Safer Place - Bushfire Place of Last Resort are always a last resort. While knowing their locations is important, they are intended as your very last option when all other options have failed.

We urge everyone to have a well-prepared emergency plan and to evacuate early if conditions become dangerous. Proactive decisions save lives - your safety, and that of your loved ones, depends on it.”

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