Flowerdale community plans for the future

Published on 24 May 2024

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More than 60 people who live, work or play in Flowerdale came together on 10 May to prioritise projects that will help make their community even stronger.

The group had the hard task of selecting the top ideas from more than 50 suggestions made by the community as part of the Flowerdale Community Planning Program.

The top projects listed for inclusion in the draft Flowerdale Community Plan are (in no particular order):

  • Football goal posts at the cricket ground
  • Strengthen and support the existing ‘Clean Up Australia’ activities
  • Food for Flowerdale
  • Revive the annual community day that was previously held on Australia Day
  • BMX track working group
  • More art and arts-related activities around Flowerdale
  • More sports and social activities at the Recreation Reserve
  • Form an advocacy group to lobby for hard rubbish collection

Murrindindi Shire Council’s Mayor Damien Gallagher said the community dinner was an important part of the Flowerdale Communities journey, after many months of meetings and important conversations. The real strength is in the discussions within the community on priorities as a community.

‘Throughout the evening, everyone chatted and discussed various ideas and projects. And there were so many great ideas to consider. But these eight ideas attracted the most support, along with a commitment from the community to get behind them and ultimately, to realise their vision.

‘It is obvious to me that we have a lot of passionate people in the Flowerdale community, many of whom have volunteered to join ‘action teams’ to advance the priority projects and help bring them to life’, Mayor Gallagher said.

‘The next step will be for the Flowerdale Community Planning Core Team to finalise their draft Flowerdale Community Plan which will reflect the eight priority projects, each with a committed action team. The Plan will then go out to the broader community for feedback.

'The event was also a welcome opportunity to bring residents and business owners together with Council’s Chief Executive Officer, Livia Bonazzi, and Council officers to discuss a broader range of issues of importance to the community of Flowerdale.’

‘On behalf of Council and the Council officers involved, I’d like to thank all community members who have been part of this community planning process so far. It’s people like you who make Murrindindi Shire such a great place to live and your contribution to the future of your community and town is recognised and valued’, Mayor Gallagher added.

For more information or to get involved in an action team for one or more of the priority projects, visit Council's engagement platform The Loop, or phone (03) 5772 0333.

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