Freedom of Information Request

A Freedom of Information (FOI) Request is a formal request to access information or records held by Murrindindi Shire Council that are not publicly available.

Follow the steps below to submit a FOI Request.

Application process

Step 1.Get in touch

Have a chat with Council before submitting your application, as many Freedom of Information (FOI) requests we receive are about public documents already available and often free of charge.

Step 2.Submit a valid application

A 'valid' application under the Act means it is clear enough for Council officers to identify the document requested and the FOI access fee has been paid. We are committed to ensuring everyone can access information, so if you are experiencing financial hardship but would like to lodge an FOI request, be sure to get in touch with Council to discuss your application.

Submit a Freedom of Information Application

Step 3.Make Payment

Once we receive your application, we will let you know what the estimated cost of completing your FOI request will be. You will need to pay a deposit on this amount before Council can begin locating and collating the information you are seeking.

We will provide you with payment options once you are happy to proceed.

Step 4.Document Search

Once an application is lodged and a deposit is received, we will begin working on your FOI request. This can take up to 30 days, as we need to locate and collate all the relevant documents and remove any sensitive information excluded under the Freedom of Information Act. We will let you know if we need to consult with external parties and extend the 30-day period.

Step 5.Document Release

Once all documents have been located, we will send you a letter with the final costs and adjustments if there are any. Upon final payment, you will be able to access the documents in the format you requested.