A range of documents are available for public inspection as required by Section 57 and 58 of the Local Government Act 2020 (the Act) and Council's Public Transparency Policy.
Some of these documents can be viewed online and others can be made available at the Alexandra Council Offices at 28 Perkins Street, Alexandra. Documents available for inspection may be viewed and copied but not removed. Council may charge fees for inspection and copying of some documents.
To arrange to view any of the documents, contact us on (03) 5772 0333.
Councillors, delegated committee members, and specific Council officers such as the CEO, Directors and Managers and other Nominated officers must provide a Personal Interests Return (Return) when they commence in the role (Initial Return) and then every six months in March and September (Biannual Return) in line with the Local Government Act 2020. The Return is an integrity check-and-balance and enables conflict of interest monitoring, ensuring that Council decisions are made in the best interests of the community and not in a decision-maker's best interests.
A summary of the last Return is compiled into a Personal Interest Return Register and is available for public inspection.
Biannual Interest Returns Officers(PDF, 208KB)
Personal Interests Returns Register Councillors(PDF, 93KB)