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By partnering with these organisations, we can speak louder and work together to push for changes that benefit our communities and those around us.

Goulburn Murray Climate Alliance

The Goulburn Murray Climate Alliance (GMCA) is made up of 17 committed local government, catchment management, state government and alpine resort partners across Goulburn and Upper Murray regions, responding and adapting to climate change through innovative projects and research.

Learn more about the Goulburn Murray Climate Alliance

Goulburn Regional Partnership

The Goulburn Regional Partnership is one of nine Partnerships across the state, established by the Victorian Government, recognising that local communities are in the best position to understand the challenges and opportunities faced by their region.

The Partnership includes five municipalities: City of Greater Shepparton, Mitchell Shire, Moira Shire, Murrindindi Shire, Strathbogie Shire.

Learn more about the Goulburn Regional Partnership

Hume Region Local Government Network

The Hume Region Local Government Network is made up of member councils from across the Hume Region, including Murrindindi Shire Council, covering over 40,000 sq km of rural and regional Victoria.

Participants consist of Mayors and CEOs of the member councils being Alpine, Benalla, Indigo, Mansfield, Mitchell, Moira, Murrindindi, Shepparton, Strathbogie, Towong, Wangaratta, and Wodonga.

Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV)

The MAV is a membership association and the legislated peak body for local government in Victoria.

Each council appoints a delegate to attend State Council meetings, exercise their council’s vote and provide regular reports to their council on MAV activities. To see the current Murrindindi Shire Council Delegate visit the learn more link below.

Learn more about the Municipal Association of Victoria

Murrindindi Health Network

The Murrindindi Health Network is made up of six distinguished community-based organisations who have joined forces to address workforce shortages in the Murrindindi Shire region.

The consortium, comprising Menzies Support Services, Alexandra District Health, Murrindindi Shire Council, Yea and District Memorial Hospital, Darlingford Upper Goulburn Nursing Home, and Kellock Lodge Alexandra, is dedicated to boosting employment, training, and career development opportunities within the community.

Learn more about the Murrindindi Health Network

Rural Councils Victoria

Murrindindi Shire Council is a member of Rural Councils Victoria (RCV). 

RCV represents Victoria's rural councils, supporting and promoting strong, liveable and prosperous rural communities.

Learn more about Rural Councils Victoria