1st Alexandra Scout Group 180 Grant Street, Alexandra 3714 Scouting is one of the best kept secrets for developing resilient youth. Programs, friendship, skills learnt and the activities all combine to give opportunities for personal growth. Type :
1st Kinglake Scout Group Main Road and Extons Road, Kinglake 3763 Tuesdays - Scouts 7pm - 8.30pm Wednesdays - Cubs 7pm - 8.30pm Our group caters for children of both sexes aged between 8 -18 years who enjoy indoor and outdoor activities and forming great friendships Type :
1st Yea Scout Group Raglan Street (Pioneer Reserve), Yea 3717 Cub Scouts 7.5 to 11 years Wednesdays 5.30pm - 7.30 pm Cub Scouts is for boys and girls aged 7.5-11 years old. Incorporating a wide variety of fun and games, with camps along the way! Type :
2030Yea Community Energy (2030Yea Inc) 2030Yea Inc is an incorporated association seeking grants and funding for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in Yea. 2030Yea has three broad goals to:• Look for grants to provide solar PV for public buildings in Yea.• Offer a free Home Energy Efficiency Advice service. • Work towards a community energy project that will benefit Yea residents. Type :
3717 Watch Inc 3717 WATCH Inc. works with the Murrindindi Shire Council, State Government and other agencies to ensure good strategic, environmental and planning decisions are made for the 3717 postcode area. Type :
Ageing with Grace - Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS) Aged Care Volunteer Visitor - Providing friendship to older people!We are searching for friendly, engaging Volunteer Visitors that are 18 years of age or older. This position requires patience, compassion and reliability. Volunteer Visitors are required to visit their older friend on a fortnightly basis (weekly where possible), on an ongoing basis doing an activity that you both enjoy. Type :
Alexandra & District Kindergarten 15 Bayley Street, Alexandra 3714 The Alexandra & District Kindergarten offers an outstanding preschool program for 3 and 4 year old's. The Kindergarten has a large play area with an educational focus based on interactive play. Type :
Alexandra & District Netball Association Cnr Downey Street & Hall Street, Alexandra 3714 Providing an annual competition of netball at various levels for interested players or umpires of all genders. Type :
Alexandra & District Dog Obedience Club Inc Dog Obedience with voluntary dog lovers who can teach you to train your puppy or older dog by using positive reinforcement. Offering small classes in a relaxed and friendly environment. Type :
Alexandra & District Open Gardens A not for profit organisation, run with the purpose of providing a botanical experience for the many visitors the weekend attracts. Any funds raised are used to enhance the local community. Type :