Under the Country Fire Authority Act 1958, Council has a legal obligation to ensure the community’s risk associated with bushfire and grass fires is reduced. Council officers have powers to inspect and issue Fire Prevention Notices to residents and ratepayers. Council also has a legal right to remove a fire hazard on private land and recoup the costs.
If you have received a Fire Prevention Notice, it means our Community Safety officers have inspected your property for fire hazards in the lead up to the fire season and determined that you need to reduce fuel loads on your property to reduce the fire risk.
You are required to clean up fine fuels such as leaves, twigs and long grass to reduce the risk to your property from fire as per the Notice. The works must be carried out by the completion date. You must maintain your property in this state for the duration of the Fire Danger Period.
You are required to do the works detailed within the Notice. The Notice does not authorise you to remove shrubs or trees. If you wish to remove trees and shrubs, you must contact Council’s Planning Unit for advice.
If you have already cut your grass by the time you receive the Notice, then you don’t need to worry. Just ensure you maintain your property in this state for the duration of the Fire Danger Period.